Keyword Research and Internet Marketing Forum

The Keyword Research Blog attached to the Keywords Analyzer Forum.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Starting an AdSense website - Adsense discussions - Keywords Analyzer

Starting an AdSense website - Adsense discussions - Keywords Analyzer: "Here's a good question about starting an AdSense website for the first time.:

Where can I get a ready made website that I can submit to Google to get an Adsense account. "

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Keywords Analyzer Forum on the way....

Shortly I will announce the launch of the new forum - here's the mail I sent out today to our customer...

Keywords Analyzer News...

I've just been telling our AdWords Dominator friends what an interesting week
I have been having - I'll share it with you in a second.

Firstly though - a bit of news.

I've lost count of the number of people who have asked me to set up a forum
for us all to discuss issues around Keyword Research, AdWords, AdSense -
and much more besides. Well - I'm pleased to tell you - we're nearly there.
And with a core of thousands of loyal Keywords Analyzer users like yourself - that's a lot of shared experience we all have together.

So - I want it to be a real blast - but to do that I need your help.

To get things going - and to properly understand everything you would like to
talk about - could you send me in your top two questions that you would
like answered to do with working online?

Any topics will do - as long as it's something related to working online.
Now - I can't guarantee that I can send a personal response. But I can
guarantee that I will read every single one and do my utmost to see that
they are all addressed on the forum.

So - let me have it. I really appreciate your time on it.
In fact you can just hit reply and fill them in here:
Qu (1)
Qu (2)
Thanks in advance - I really appreciate it.

Now, I've already waffled a bit, but I was going to share with you an
interesting chain of events that took place this week that got me to thinking
how close we can be to disaster when working online.

Tell you what - instead of starting here - I'll just forward you the mail that
I sent to our AdWords Dominator friends - or I'll end up rewriting everything
I already wrote!

Oh yes - one last thing while I'm here. I signed up recently to go to
Yanik Silver's Internet Marketing Seminar in London in September - if you are booked
to go can you let me know? It would be great to hook up with you. So many people
have told me about it in the past, that this time I decided I'll get on a plane
from Cape Town and get over there myself.

I'll send that e-mail out a little later.

Cheers for now,


P.S - When you mail me your questions, you may get an auto-responder message asking you to use the helpdesk. Ignore it. I am watching out for your reply and have my
inbox on filter to look for it!

P.P.S - Yanik Silver's URL is if you would like to join us!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Post your articles here - conditions apply - Post your articles here - Keywords Analyzer

Friday, June 16, 2006

Re: Where can I obtain great keywords for free?

Search Engine Optimisation - Search engine optimisation - Keywords Analyzer

Welcome to the forum - Introduce yourself here... - Introduce yourself - Keywords Analyzer

Yanik Silver's Underground Seminar in London, September - Upcoming Events - Keywords Analyzer